VOLVO Ocean Race
Yes - Sweden will host the final stopover of the 2008/2009 Race in mid june. Maybe one or two fans could make it there to watch the big ones race in the archipelago.
If you come I can recommend a very cool place to stay :). Book early for this reason! You will be sleeping next to the fleet of the Volvo Open 70s. A layer of steel and wood will seperate you from the rough sea in Stockholm harbour, no seasickness thou, only the creaks of the suspensions that suggest slight motion of the ship.
If you come I can recommend a very cool place to stay :). Book early for this reason! You will be sleeping next to the fleet of the Volvo Open 70s. A layer of steel and wood will seperate you from the rough sea in Stockholm harbour, no seasickness thou, only the creaks of the suspensions that suggest slight motion of the ship.
niknuk - 10. Sep, 12:51
2 comments - add comment - 850 hits
wie machst du das? immer topaktuelle "pics" und topaktuelle verbalspenden? ich denk, du hast doch genug zu tun! germana fragte auch gerade: wie macht ihr das alle???? sie, die ärmste, hat nämlich zu schulbeginn und wegen desselben unglaublich viel um die ohren, ich denke sie hat seit ferienende sicherlich so 60 stunden pro woche gehackelt. wie gehen die schwedischstudien voran?
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