
Lecture 2

It was sooo cool.
At first it was pretty bad. I got up early because my scedule said it starts at 0830, so I was there. Alone. I got slightly distressed, waited, walked over to the Information, they open at 0900. More waiting, then the nice Lady at the counter looked it up, they changed the scedule yesterday afternoon, lectures begin at 1030.
From then on it was all nice, I took a walk up to the IT Helpdesk to find out how to use the Computer Rooms, bought one hot chocolate to go at the cafe that all students seem to prefer and strolled on to the classroom.
After a short introduction with some nice pics of wreacked ships, loaded ships, grounded ships (my personal fave was one ship that transported 5 or 6 container cranes, the large ones that you can see in my post with the ferry trip, those red an blue ones. It looked as if it had to flip over the moment it catches the slightest breeze, but it didn't.) and so on he told us where to buy the script and took a 15 minute break so that we all can go get it - which we obediently did.
Then he explained what the Lines Drawing is, what it is used for and added some term-definitions. Tomorrow the calculating will begin, Moments of Inertia, center of gravity, can't wait!

Tonight I have been to some bars - they call it the crawl, it is not true, drinks are so expensive, they never get drunk until they can only crawl, on the other hand, they can't really take much, used to sissy-beer.. I had water. And fun watching them.
So goodnight.

Göteborg 08/09

Music to travel


Angelo Colagrossi, Angelina Maccarone
Ein Mann, ein Fjord



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