

The largest amusement park in Scandinavia - this may well be true, but Prater offers more attracions if you ask me.. still it is a must see. The bunny of Liseberg never leaves you:


At first it appears to be a large park, but then the first lucky-wheel games come up, at which you can win huge packs of chocolate, chips, kex, and other stuff.. we have won the chocolate - 2kg pack, and we shared (because of course only one number won, but since we all tried we greatly raised our chances to win).
This is the pack. 3 bars are my share - pretty nice for not having won.


After that I had o try the rollercoaster! The blue one, not the old wooden one. It was soooo cool, it took me a couple of seconds to like it but then I relly loved it, the looping, the turning upside down, the curves and the speed, the noise, it was like the ice channel in Innsbruck, so cool. And over much too soon.
Unfortunately no pics of me and my scare-face. Pitty, right?

The others have more pics of that, since all our cameras (all of those, that have been to the ships and paddan before).. but I don't have them yet.

The Paddan Tour

The same day - one hour later - interrupted only by a lunchbreak. We had the very best and really cheap sushi! I never expected sushi to be the first thing that I recognize is cheaper and better that at home. Each time I have something to pat my shoulder for I will go allow me to have sushi and be happy (but I will think of the best company to have sushi with).

The Paddan tour is a boat tour that starts at Kungsportsplatsen on the canal to Brunnsparken, out to Göta Älv, to Lilla Bommen, to Lindholmen (my campus, as you all know), back to Rosenlund and on the canal back to Kungspotsplatsen.
At that point my batteries began to give in, I have taken a lot of pics with flash inside the ships, so no surprise.


You have seen this ship in the drydock in previous posts, now it is outside, another one has taken the place inside the dock.


You can see the bulbous bow, fluid dynamics help you find the benefit of these. Drought marks at the forward perpendicular - the design waterline at its forwardmost point - allow precise evaluation of the current floating condition. In this case the ship is empty, tanks have to be filled in order to achieve the desired stability. Currently it is hardly stable, secured by ropes and exposed to only very light weather-conditions in the harbour.
This is the new baby in the box:


It is truck transpoting vessel, navigating decks are situated in the front section.

Back on the canal - it is said that a monster lives in it, and that it looks like this:


It was hiding today.

The Marine Adventure Centre

..was sooo cool. We had a voucher for free entry form the Student Organisation. From the short text we gathered that there is one destroyer "Smäland" (ä substitutes for a with a circle, I don't know how to get it with my keyboard) and one submariene that we can visit. So we thought we go and have a look.

It turned out that there is much more than only those 2 ships. There was also one lifting ship (used to lift heavy objects during rescue, loading and building), one lighthouse ship, one cargo ship, one military ship for couast guards, one icebreaker (pretty small, built for winter 45, when there was ice on the Göta Älv, a singulary cold winter, it never occured again) and some others.

Begin at the beginning:

The destroyer - it was never used, built in Gothenburg (Eriksberg), held a crew of 173 people and was a gift from the Swedish Navy.
It held several sea mines (tricky evil things these mines)


The nobs fitted glass cones that were filled with quicksilver, they would break at the slightest contact, the quicksilver would drip into the bomb and fire it.

FLAKs had water-cooled pipes to allow for higher firing-frequency.


Now to the inside. Steep ladders,


narrow beds, a model kitchen that showed plates with half a pear, one sausage and two eggs sunny side up.. (do they really eat that??)
I don't want to give you the impression that I freak over ams and guns, I really don't, but I have never seen that so close, it was interesting.
I have tenthousand other pics, but I have to be careful with my space here on twoday, so no nonsense.

The submarine


is actually a copy of a German submariene. During WWII it was abandoned by the crew, they dreaded the allied armies, saved their lives and left the submarine to sink to the bottom of the Göta Älv. The Swedes recovered it after saving the crew, kept it to copy and obviously returned the original years later to Germany.
The inside of the submarine is not made for people taller than 160cm, you bump your head every other step.


This is one of my neighbours friends, he is much shorter than I am and still..

Of course I had to climb everything that I could for the realistic feeling: in this case the uppermost level of beds.


Not exactly cosy.
This is me climbing through a torpedo-revolver, that seved the actual torpedo firing-pipes. The orange ones are torpedos.


The other ships were nice too. The merchant ship for example was so much more comfortable than the two military ships, partly because the crew is much smaller on a merchant ship so that each member can have his own cabin (no females on board) and space is not a rare gift. It is almost a leasure ship compared to the others.

Göteborg 08/09

Music to travel


Angelo Colagrossi, Angelina Maccarone
Ein Mann, ein Fjord



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