
VOLVO Ocean Race

Yes - Sweden will host the final stopover of the 2008/2009 Race in mid june. Maybe one or two fans could make it there to watch the big ones race in the archipelago.

If you come I can recommend a very cool place to stay :). Book early for this reason! You will be sleeping next to the fleet of the Volvo Open 70s. A layer of steel and wood will seperate you from the rough sea in Stockholm harbour, no seasickness thou, only the creaks of the suspensions that suggest slight motion of the ship.

The Swedish way

of pinning sheets together.
I must admit that I was surprised to find the system different to "ours". So do I bring my collegeblocks from home, as well as the folders and the machine to make the holes or do I buy all that here and use it for this one year only? I chose the latter merely for the fun of it.
Take a look:


And now to the details:


Lektion II

Chalmers Campus:


Für den Fall der Fälle:

Klippan ist nicht immer das Sofa (obwohl dort vielleicht ein Sofa steht, für die Touristen):


Last weekend we went for a pub crawl - I think I have told you, and that I left early. Early in this case means about 3 in the morning. On the way home I took some pics of my new temporary hometown by night. And I enjoyed riding the bike so much.

This is the Casino (the place we had dinner twice).


And this is the Stena Express - a RoRo Ship (oh how professional: Roll On Roll Off), pretty good looking. You have seen her in one of my previous posts by day. Google Earth also features some impressive pics of her in motion.

Göteborg 08/09

Music to travel


Angelo Colagrossi, Angelina Maccarone
Ein Mann, ein Fjord



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